RNDR. Jitka Čermáková – about the exhibition in Gallery D-2013

Let me have some remarks to the painter, who has been exposing in our gallery for several years and whose work I dazzled and enchanted already at the beginning.

With increasing pieces that very soon found an excellent position in our gallery,

I began to wonder: “Where do the women, who Veronika Švédová portrays in her paintings, come from?” And where does she get the inspiration for so multi-faceted approach to her characters? These creatures definitely do not come from our world. They are representatives of myths, personification of natural phenomena and sometimes the creatures are from fairy tales. And this world of ours is designed to be enriched by them. Veronika feels that. It is thus based on her intuition and from the depths of her heart.

Today’s time is forcing women to emancipation and independence and this artist belongs to this period. Still she can remove barriers of exaggerated emancipation based on her deep feelings and innate intelligence. Paintings which she creates are certainly contributing to the enrichment of our beleaguered, technocratic age.

Veronika follows the footsteps of her mother and a renowned artist Helena Švédová, who has been collaborating with our gallery since its foundation, thus 23 years.  Philosophical elements began to gradually penetrate to her work and each of her paintings has become truly unique and unrepeatable. She is also a painter of portraits and figures of girls, formed in the style of a certain mannerisms, which it is not important to adhere to the exact proportions of the human body, such as hard realism preaches. Here we see a certain analogy with the painter Jan Zrzavý. It consists in collecting the traits of femininity through exquisite grace curves.

Jan Zrzavý’s work is reflected in the creation of Veronika. Its smooth rounded brush strokes can be easily traced. Sometimes we also find a certain harmony with works by Paul Gaugin, in very bright juicy colors and color transitions. Color vision and feeling of painter is excellent. The creation of Veronika Švédová undoubtedly shows its good quality arts education. It is apparent both from the drawings and from the composition and color of her works. Dynamic element of draperies, as a part of her figures’ clothing, is literally virtuoso and clearly draws from antiquity.

RNDR. Jitka Čermáková